Wilson Shieh
Spring Picture
Wilson Shieh: Spring
Picture 1, 2007,
chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 36 × 46 cm
Spring Picture 2,
2007, chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 36 × 46 cm
Spring Picture 3,
2007, chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 36 × 46 cm
Spring Picture 4,
2007, chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 36 × 46 cm
Spring Picture A, 2007,
chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 69 × 29 cm
Spring Picture B,
2007, chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 29 × 69 cm
Spring Picture C,
2007, chinese ink and gouache on dyed silk, 29 × 69 cm