Oliver Boberg Nacht Orte / Night Sites |
Oliver Boberg Exhibition View Kunsthaus Nürnberg Oliver Boberg - Wald / Forest, 2002, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm Oliver Boberg - Landstraße / Country Road, 2002, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm Oliver Boberg - Fabrikgelände / Factory Site, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm Oliver Boberg - Brücke / Bridge, 2003, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film' material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm Oliver Boberg - Klippe / Clitt, 2003, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm Oliver Boberg - Gasse / Alley, 2003, DVD projection, 30-minute loop, cut from 16mm film material and transferred to DVD, color, sound or c-print 50 x 60 cm |