Liu Ding

Geboren 1976 in Changzhou, Jiangsu Provinz in China. Lebt und arbeitet in Peking.

Bitte fragen Sie in der Galerie nach dem aktuellen Lebenslauf.

Born Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China 1976. Lives and works in Beijing.

Please ask the gallery for the updated CV.

Gravestone for Rumour Mongers  - Pressetext
Press Release

Selected Works  - Pressetext / Press Release

Traces of Sperm - Pressetext
/ Press Release

Samples  from the Transition  - Pressetext
/ Press Release
Gravestone for Rumour Mongers
Selected Works
Traces of Sperm
Welcome to the Jungle
Samples From The Transition - Products
Sperm and other Works

Liu Ding: Gravestone for Rumour Mongers, 2008, Installation, steel, acrylic, paper
Liu Ding: Gravestone for Rumour Mongers, 2008
Installation, steel, acrylic, paper

„A Girl Holding a Skull Standing on a Kidney“ 2007, Resin, Porcelain, Fabric, approx 120 x 75 x 180 cm
Liu Ding: A Girl Holding a Skull Standing on a Kidney, 2007, Resin, Porcelain, Fabric
approx 120 x 75 x 180 cm

Exhibition Details/ Ausstellungs Details
Liu Ding: Traces of Sperm: Exhibition Details/ Ausstellungs Details

"Jungle" 2007, 42 paintings, oil on canvas, of different sizes on a mirror-floor, Examples from the 42 paintings
Liu Ding: Jungle, 2007, 42 paintings, oil on canvas, of different sizes on a mirror-floor
Examples from the 42 paintings

Installation, 40 paintings produced at the 2nd Guangzhou Triennail were framed in golden frames and hung in a salon style in a room painted in red and furnitued like a traditional German drawing room. Venue: L.A.Galerie – Lothar Albrecht, Frankfurt, Germany
Liu Ding: Installation, 40 paintings produced at the 2nd Guangzhou Triennail were framed in golden frames and hung in a salon style in a room painted in red and furnitued like a traditional German drawing room.
Venue: L.A.Galerie – Lothar Albrecht, Frankfurt, Germany

Sperm Landscape
Liu Ding: Sperm Landscape

Liu Ding